Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Comparing Aristotle and Miller´s View on Tragedy - 1230 Words

In ancient Greece citizens hoped to go unnoticed by the Gods. The Gods played a huge role on what occurred in a citizen’s life. If a prophecy was decided by a God, then there was no altering it. Aristotle believes that this is what makes up a true tragedy. He suggests that tragedy is plot driven, and if the plot is set then there is no way around it. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus is paying for the sins of his father King Laios. Laios was given horrible future by the Gods for angering them when he rapes another man. He was given a prediction that his son would murder him, and would marry his mother, Queen Jocaste. To prevent the prediction from happening Laios sent his shepherd to kill Oedipus, but gave him to a messenger from a†¦show more content†¦The flaw is the character using the good or bad part of his/her personality, and it controlling a huge part in the development of his/her life. Using Willy from Death of a Salesman as an example, he has a since of pr ide where it hurts him in the long run. He does not take offers that would better his future, and instead stays with what he thinks is real work. Miller states that most of society is â€Å"flawless,† he is saying society does not challenge their flaws in life. Most of us just go along with the plan, and are afraid if we do confront our flaws that it will end badly. The common man knows best how it feels to fail in life and in today’s world the pressure to succeed has continued growing. In Author Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman is obviously the tragic hero according to Miller’s definition in a tragedy. Willy is trying during the entire drama to be â€Å"somebody.† He is not a king or royalty, but he always wants to be well-liked. Miller also gives Biff a line in Death of a Salesman that says: â€Å"Miss Forsythe, you’ve just seen a prince walk by. A fine, troubled prince† (1832). Though Willy is not truly royalty, Biff is sa ying that his father is royalty to them and can still go through tough times without everyone knowing who Willy was. Willy is so busy trying to be important and trying to make his boys do big things, that he does not know how he is hurting his family instead. Also, he does anythingShow MoreRelatedStructuralism and Interpretation Ernest Hemingways Cat in Ther Ain9284 Words   |  38 PagesPorter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics Analysis and Interpretation of the Realist Text: A Pluralistic Approach to Ernest Hemingways Cat in the Rain Author(s): David Lodge Source: Poetics Today, Vol. 1, No. 4, Narratology II: The Fictional Text and the Reader (Summer, 1980), pp. 5-22 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1771885 . Accessed: 14/03/2011 05:14 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTORs Terms and Conditions of Use,Read MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesbusiness and the increasing importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability in global management. We have incorporated the latest research on the increasing pressure for MNCs to adopt more â€Å"green† management practices, including Chapter 3’s opening World of International Management which includes discussion of GE’s â€Å"ecomagination† initiative and a boxed feature in that chapter on the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have updated discussion of and provided additional emphasis on theRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesother subject, and it is not a book about what you ought to believe about some subject. Although many scientific studies of decision-making have shown that people tend to sift sources of information looking to reinforce existing views rather than to accept the view that is backed up with the better argument, our course is designed to combat this tendency. Facing a Decision as a Critical Thinker Imagine this situation. You are on a four-day backpacking trip in a national wilderness area with

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